Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How to Make Scrappy Spots

Hello, it's Beth Norman here with a tutorial that was originally printed in the June 2009 issue of the Technique Junkie Newsletter.  For 10% off your order please use TJ10Beth.

I love this technique because it's so unique.  It may look like a lot of work, but trust me, it goes together quickly.

I used Birthdays and Donuts.  Ah, donuts, my weakness in life.

Supplies:  5" x 5" cardstock, black ink, three colours of coordinating ink, scissors, round stamp (or punch), brayer, fine black pen (not in photo), copier paper (not in photo)
Stamp out circles all over your cardstock
Stamp out a circle in the center of your full-sized copier paper.  Cut out the circle with your scissors to leave a hole.
Place your hole over top of your coloured circle and stamp out the words on your circle.  Repeat until every hole is covered.
Stamp out your circular stamp on a sticky note, ensuring you have the sticky part on the edge of your stamp is placed in the same direction
Cover all of your circles with the circles you just cut out.  TIP:  Make sure the sticky part of the circles are all in the same direction so that when you brayer, your circle does not lift
With your third colour, brayer over top of your cardstock.  It will need several coats to ensure a nice crisp even colour.  TIP:  Brayer in one direction.  If you rol back and forth you risk the lifting of your circle.
Using your fine pen, draw around your circles once, or twice, to cover up white space, or simply to add interest.

I hope I have inspired you to try this technique out.  It's a fun one!


  1. Beth, this is so fun! I had forgotten about this technique. I am going to have to try it soon! What a great card!

  2. Love this card! The color combination is beautiful and I love the little details like the penned-in circles around the stamped ones. Cool.

  3. Your card is so yummy! Love the BG circles- yep, remember that technique! Great one!
