Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Just a Little More Chicken, Please!

I sure hope you aren't too sick of these chickens, because I still can't seem to get enough of them.  I am getting ready for my knee replacement and these cluckers are just the thing I need to ease my stress!

Don't forget that you can save 10% on your orders (any time!) by using the code TJ10Ro. The set I'm using today is called Keep Chickens, which is a set of 13 stamps.  Here is my card:

For this card, I simply layered a couple of matted pieces of cardstock on my card base. I die cut the frame section and laid that on a white piece of CS and lightly traced the inside of the windows so I would know where to stamp my images. Using little sticky notes, I masked off the area to be stamped and added my chicken, repeating the process for each window. I then colored the images using some Zig Clean Color Markers. I adhered the stamped panel to the back of the frame. I added some fiber ribbon to the matted panels, then placed the stamped panel on that using foam adhesive. The ribbon kind of reminded me of hay. 

While it looks like a lot of work went into this card, it really was quite simple. And the end result is just plain fun. Here is a pic of the full set:

Hope you like my card and I can't wait to join you all again for the Blog Hop on March 1st, which will feature all the new releases for March.  And don't forget to use the discount code when placing orders to save 10%:

Til next time,
Keepin' in inky!


  1. Awesome card. I'm definitely ordering this set with all the lovely samples I"m seeing. You're such an inspiration Ro.

  2. Fabby fun chick card! Keep your eyes on the prize for your knee replacement! Best wishes.
