Wednesday, July 25, 2018

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Sweetie!)

Hello, TJ Fans. It's Ro with you today and I'm here to confess...I'm sometimes forgetful. Like when you have a blog post due and your dogs wake you up at 4AM to go outside and that's when you remember that you didn't do your post. LOL  Never happened to you? Well, how about when your hubby asks you for a card for his boss...for the next day. Or your kid needs a birthday an hour. Now can you relate? I thought so.

What do you do when you have a last minute card need? I KISS it.  Don't stress it, don't sweat it. Just keep it simple, sweetie. And that's just what I did.

With just two stamp sets mixed up and a little colored pencil and marker, I have a cute card. One layer, 3 colored pencils, and 1 fine tip marker. That's it.

I used the very fun sets called All Shapes (SD846) and Stand Tall (SD601). They go great together and, with a little masking, you can combine them to make a statement!

If you like these stamps, and any others you may want to treat yourself with, you can ALWAYS SAVE 10% by using the code below.

Hope you enjoyed my super simple, super sweet card today. K.I.S.S.

Til next time,
Keepin' it inky!

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