Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Black + Gold = Stunning Christmas Card

Hi, everybody! Toodle Noodle Ro is in the house. So, are you ready for Christmas? No? Me either. But I'm making a start on my Christmas cards, so that's something at least! The one I have for you today is so striking (in my humble opinion) that I may just make more with different backgrounds. I am loving the color combination!

IRL, the background just jumps out at you and looks so very elegant. Here is a closeup that hopefully shows a little better glimpse of the shine.

I started out by creating an A2 card from black CS. On a piece of gold CS, I stamped the holly and berries using the set Seasons Greetings Set of 6 (SS097) with Versamark Ink. I then heat embossed with gold EP. This piece was then trimmed down and attached to the card base.

On a black piece of CS, I stamped the greeting from that same set, again with Versamark and gold EP. I trimmed that panel down and attached it to the card base with some gold brads.

All-in-all, this was actually a very quick card to make. I plan to make several with different backgrounds for some special folks at Christmas. 

Hope you got some ideas and inspiration today. And remember...this set is on special (15% off) until the 8th of this month (along with some other great new releases!). There are six beautiful stamps in this set. And for everything else, please use my special code to save 10%!

Til next time,
Keepin' it inky!