Thursday, April 25, 2019

Itoh Peony

Hey everyone! Jessie here today sharing some embossing and Brusho card making. 

I started by embossing the Itoh Peony stamp onto some Bee Watercolor Paper. 

I then wet down the paper, and sprinkled the Sunburst Yellow near the flower centers, Allowing that to dry partially I then wet the paper again and sprinkled on the Alizarin Crimson, then spraying it a little more to help it move around the page. After that, we play the waiting game, and let the watercolours dry.

Once that was dry, I cut down the front panel to fit on the front of the card. Pulling out a Hello die from my stash I cut it out of the coloured pannel and 4 times out of white cardstock to build it up. 

Thanks for stopping by,

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