Friday, November 22, 2019

The 30th Day of Christmas -- and a tutorial

Today is the last day of the 30 Days of Christmas, and as such, I have the final card. I hope you have enjoyed the artwork this month.

A quick video will be posted later this weekend showing you how to do the technique.  I am having technical difficulties and and working through them right now : )

Keep in mind that all Christmas stamps are 20% off through the end of today, Friday, November 22. 2019.  Hurry and get your favorites before the sale ends! Simply add them to your shopping cart and the discount will be applied automatically.

Ready for inspiration?  

The technique used is called Multi-embossing with a stencil. I used the Poinsettias Stencil from A Colorful Life Designs (available HERE) to make these cards:

Multi-Colored Embossing on Black

Multi-Colored Embossing on White

Pat Huntoon
Technique Junkies LLC 

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