Saturday, December 14, 2019

Winter's Butterfly

Hello Junkies! 
It's Ceal here to share with you today. I have a Christmas series going on over on my blog, Simply Beautiful. Hop on over and check it out for lots of Christmas inspiration.

For my card today I used one of my favorite sets, Snowflakes This set has the prettiest snowflakes and some great sentiments. You can get 10% off this set and the rest of your order by using my code TJ10Ceal. 

To make this card I started with a white top folding card base. I stamped the snowflakes with embossing ink and then embossed them in white. I masked off a portion at the top and blended some Blue Raspberry ink over them using the Life Changing Blender Brushes.  To finish the card I spritzed it with water and added the sentiment at the top 

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