Saturday, February 15, 2020

A RIOT of Color (with a Little French to Keep it Classy) and, of All Things, a Giraffe

Made using Technique Junkies New Release stamp More Fabulous and stock stamp French Sentiments. Alcohol ink panel, embossed sentiment and figure, feathers, white glitter sheet and black backing.

Good luck averting your eyes from this one, my friends.

I'm not sure if you're forced to stare because of the absolute riot of color (I honestly could NOT come up with any other adjective for this...well, one that would be acceptable here) OR because, as much as you wanted to avert your eyes, you were forced to look (like the whole car accident/rubbernecking thing). 

You'll excuse me if I choose to believe you're drawn to it because it' Or something.

Ok...look. I don't make many cards. I'm a mixed media/assemblage art girl. And why would I want to make cards? Have you SEEN the talent on this Design Team? Do you think I could possibly compete with these awesome ladies? 

So, the question is why even think about doing cards? The answer is that once in a blue moon, 
I start to run low on ideas for projects. The only way to stimulate (more like terrify) my creativity back into action is to fall back on card making. And for whatever reason, making 2-4 cards does the trick and I'm good for a LONG time.

I really wasn't kidding about the "terrify" part. See, I'm one of these people who freak out because there are too many choices when it comes to card making. I have a terrible time mixing layers and textures. Deciding on stamp placement and sentiments and then decorating is something that literally...and I mean literally...takes an entire day. For one card. LITERALLY.

It's hard enough to make cards when you lack proper design talent. It becomes nigh impossible when your product conspires against you.

Ribbons hate me. They know I can't tie a bow and that I have no idea when to use them or what type to use or what layer to put them under. They plot. Usually with the Sequins or Stickers or other Embellishments. Because those horrid Ribbons know that I actively look for ways to exclude them, they make sure they're tight (pun not intended but it works!) with other card making materials that I might choose in their place.

Except for Paper. The Ribbons and Paper patently ignore each other. My Paper, I suspect, has its own Teamster's Union. But only the Patterned Paper. The Textured Paper has been lobbying for Union representation, but they simply don't have enough to vote it in. Ever since I used the last of the Wood Textured Paper for flooring miniatures and overcame my fear of Burlap Paper (I went on a binge of creating panels for Fall cards) they just haven't had the numbers. The Plain Paper has pretty much just given up. It knows its too easy to replace with Patterned and Textured Paper, so it just sits silently in the corner. Unhelpful, perhaps, but at least not actively working against me.

I won't even get into Flower Soft, which is so subversive and hateful that just getting up my nose and into my hair is never enough. It works its way through the air vents (along with Glitter, with whom it has an on again/off again relationship of terror) but it also clogs up my printer, ruins my glue and infiltrates my ink pads.

Oh...goodness. I have really jumped the tracks here, haven't I? My apologies. Let me get back to card making for a bit.

Here is my second card using the new release stamp Advice from a Giraffe

I stamped the sentiment over and over on the Graphic 45 Safari paper then embossed it. I triple stamped the giraffe with three different browns, then fussy cut and placed in the exact same place as it is on the stamp using mounting tape. I fussy cut some pieces of the map, along with a border and popped them up as well. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me. Seriously. I totally know how you feel. I didn't think it was going to end, either.

BUT...for your patience and forgiveness, I'm offering you 10% off EVERYTHING on the Technique Junkies website. That's right...I said it. 10% off EVERYTHING. Just use the code TJ10Carmen
One more time:

Good to see you again! And watch out for that Flower Soft.

Because it would be foolish to believe I'm the only one it's conspiring against.


  1. Carmen, I love your sense of humour. Like you, ribbons hate me and I rarely add them.

    I believe one has a natural talent towards mixed media or straight cardmaking. Starting in mixed media I came to the "other side" and am slowly reverting back. Sometimes I toy with getting back into altered books. I wonder if you ever tried your hand in that.

    Your work is terrific and your card is gorgeous.

  2. Beth,

    I altered a book one time and have been in therapy ever since.

    Actually, I saw this really cool tutorial where the covers were glued tightly and using a Dremel or saw or blasting caps you would cut a square halfway through the book and it created a sort of shadowbox. I have never been so miserable in my life. I was SO miserable, in fact, that I actually, voluntarily, called the other half of this marital bliss I wallow in daily, to finish cutting into the damn thing when I could only get halfway to the desired depth. I hesitate to point to the person or the tutorial because I bow To her goddess-ness and it certainly isn’t her fault that I am somehow simply not cut out (where did these things come from? I hate puns! Yet they follow me and they are merciless) for anything dealing with books other than reading them. Early on in my blog, I believe I actually have pictures of the end result. The pictures look pretty grand if I remember correctly. Now it sits in my craft room as a reminder to never ever ever do it again. But I would love love love love to see your work! Point me to it, sister!
