Saturday, March 28, 2020

Looking for (and finding!) the Beauty in the Beast

 Sure. These are scary times. Completely unprecedented. Not one of us has ever really entertained the idea we'd actually be quarantined inside our homes, have we?

So, today, I decided I was too tired to really worry about it anymore. 

We stay in the house for a couple of weeks, take a room every other day to "spring clean" (which is why my children aren't speaking to me and that's working out just perfectly) and I craft. 

But today we hit 80 outside. 60 yesterday. 80 today. Welcome to North Carolina and our 7 and 1/2 days of spring. Hello summer.

Anyway, I went outside today and was stunned by the seemingly overnight transformation in my yard. Everything bloomed! Many things bloomed again! 

Right then and there, I decided to find the beauty in the proverbial beast of situation we're in right now. And I did. I encourage you to do the same. Before I get to my last, two March New Release cards, I'll share them with you. 

 My first year fiddling with spring bulbs and WOW! Talk about rewards!

I have NO idea what these pretty flowers are. This is the 7th year they've appeared. I don't do anything but leave them in the pot. And they somehow like me enough to come back. If you know what they are, please share! But they bring me such joy! "Walking Stick Tree" which is a Filbert Nut Tree. When I prune it, I can usually get takers for these branches. They never die out. In the winter, it's beautiful. In the summer it's covered with ugly, green leaves. But that's ok. I love this tree!


And all this from a postage stamp of a yard managed by the worst gardener in known history. Seriously. My philosophy is "stick it in the ground, water it and hope for the best". So find the's the only way to drive off the beast that is the abyss of fear, uncertainty and the unknown. We have the choice to fear or fight. We're Americans, damn it! We don't cower before enemies- foreign or domestic-and we certainly aren't going to be destroyed by this. Chin up, people. Choose to live. Choose to be happy. Choose to see the beauty.

We've got faith, family and friends. 

The only thing lacking is craft supplies. Let me help you with that.

 I can't get enough of the Old Fashioned Roses! I stamped and embossed on patterned paper and using die cuts, I made a bendi frame. As soon as my mother saw this, it got up and walked right on out the door with her.

My second is using Floral Silhouette1 and the sentiment stamp A Sister Just Gets It, I used my Stamparatus to line up the stamp. I used distress markers to color in the flowers, dotting in highlights, basically just goofing off. Then, I misted it with water and stamped. I wanted a little more highlights so I colored which part of the stamp to highlight, misted and stamped. Quickest and easiest cards EVER but really make you look like the most amazing artist ever! I really love that part most of all.

Grab 10% off everything on the site using TJCarmen10 

Stay safe, stay home and stay sane.

If the last part is your biggest challenge, there's always wine. 


  1. Best post EVER!!!! "We're Americans, damn it!" ... LOVE! And even better, "... there's always wine." So true.

  2. Thank you for the flower photos and commentary; my spirits are lifted.
    Your cards may follow your relatives out the door; I have gremlins in my house whose sole diet consists of half a pair of socks or gloves.

    The blue flowers may be Phlox subulata. Bee L.

  3. Ladies-

    Just saw your comments! YOU lifted MY spirits! Thank you so much!!!
