Saturday, March 14, 2020

More March NEW RELEASE Fun-Bandanna Mandalas!

Hello everyone! 

It's Carmen and it's my turn to feature one of our new release stamps for March!

Bandannas! I LOVE this stamp! 

I was a little intimidated because it was so bold and gorgeous that I knew I wanted to make it shine by itself but couldn't figure out what to do with it. Then, I remembered a cool technique I learned from watching a youtube video from many months ago. For the LIFE of me I can't find it again...I had to use a small canvas I'd made as a guide. But all you need are the following:

1-A regular pencil (with an unused eraser)
2-A fat pencil with an unused eraser (think pencils for kids beginning to write)
3-Small, round dowel (I used a 1/8)
4-A tiny tool to make a dot. I used a flower shaping tool but you can use a stylus
5-Acrylic Paint and some metallic paint

I stamped the image in black on some hot pink cardstock. Then, I simply started dotting. When I finished dotting, I dotted inside the dotting!

There was a LOT of dotting going on here, people.

But I really loved the effect. And it truly is VERY easy. Once you do the first one, it's a cakewalk after. I PROMISE!

I ALSO promise to give you 10% off this stamp purchase or ANYTHING you purchase at Technique Junkies! Just type in TJCarmen10 in the coupon code when you checkout and it's all yours, baby!

Go ahead...try the mandala art! You'll be shocked at how good you are on your FIRST attempt! That's another promise!

Enjoy stamping!


  1. Very cool, Carmen! I had to read your tutorial to see how you added the extra dots!

  2. TY Judy!!! I originally saw the video as part of Technique Lover's Challenge at Splitcoast but the video is gone now...can't find it! But on my blog I have my first canvas attempt and was surprised at how good it turned out! For me, that's HUGE. I'm going to keep looking for that video because she deserves big kudos!
