Thursday, June 25, 2020

Going to be Fine

Hi there!

Today, I'm sharing a beautiful card using three of the June release stamps, 'Coral Sea Turtle', 'Inside Out: Silence is Golden', and 'Bubble Flow'.  It was fun using a sentiment from a humorous set on a serious card!

The image was stamped onto the focal panel, and colored with copic markers. A 'mask' was stamped and fussy cut out of masking paper. The focal image was masked off, and 'Bubble Flow' was stamped over the panel. A white gel pen, some designer papers, and a couple of burlap scraps finished this beautiful card off nicely!

I am SO enjoying this June release. Can't imagine what July will hold!!!

Don't forget!!! You can always save 10% on any order by entering TJ10Patti at checkout.

This was so easy to create! Hope you will give it a try!

Now, be sure to head over to the Technique Junkies store and check out the incredible new stamps this month!  You will use them over and over!!!

Thanks for stopping by,

Patti J.

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