Sunday, January 24, 2021

Home Is Where The Cat Is

Doesn't this kitty just make you smile?  
Hello!  Lynda Joy here, with a card from the 
Technique Junkies 
January release, to brighten your Sunday. 

Stamp Link:

I have had cats all my life, and can't imagine not sharing our home with one of these amazing creatures.  Our Bella and Daisy bring us so much joy and love.

I colored the Where The Cat Is image with Arteza real brush markers, and used a paws stencil for the background.  

Full details for my card are on my blog post at PaperArts Cafe HERE.

And here is the inside....

I hope my card has inspired you to take some time to create something today. 

If you are doing any shopping at Technique Junkies, be sure to use my code, TJ10Lynda, for your 10% discount off your entire order.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


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