Monday, July 5, 2021

Accept What Is


I am sure you know  and have experienced there are times in our lives that what we had hoped for does not happen.  There are many times this happens in life.    This verse is just so very true.  

It is Accept What Is.  I colored the image with Copic markers.  I used blending brushes and the Cloud Edger Stencil from A Colorful Life Designs to create the background. 

Perhaps you love all of the stamps in July release and you "gotta have them all"  and you get a great savings!

When you order any of the July release stamps they are automatically on sale for 15% off without a coupon code through July 8.  And anything else you buy you can get 10% off by using TJ10Judy.  

Have a terrific day and make some time to get inky!!

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