Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Study in Lavender Collage


Good morning!  Today I'm sharing my results of a study using the new Lavender Collage stamp from Technique Junkies.  If you look closely at the picture above, the two cards are stamped the same but the colors are reversed.  I wanted to see how these would look with purple ink and with white embossing powder.

Both cards are stamped with Lavender Collage and the sentiment is from the Difficult Time set from Technique Junkies.  I stamped them with purple ink onto white cardstock for the card on the left.  For the card on the right, I stamped these with Versamark onto lavender cardstock, covered them with white embossing powder, and melted the powder with a heat tool.  You can see the close-up pictures below.

These two cards are very different even though their stamps, colors, and composition are the same.  I love the delicateness of the purple inked collage, and I love how the white embossed card is so crisp and detailed.  Which one is your favorite?

Please feel free to use this code, TJ10Holly, when you shop at Technique Junkies.  You'll save 10% off your order, and you can stock up on new stamps, stencils, Shimmering Bliss sprays, and Distress Oxide inks.  Happy Shopping!


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