Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Bah Humbug


Hi folks!  I hope you all had a nice Christmas, contrary to what you may think looking at this card.  DH always jokes he is a scrooge at Christmas and often uses "Bah Humbug" so what would be more fitting for 8 of his co-workers at Christmas time than Bah Humbug. LOL.  That's ok though, because I sweetened things up by baking individual mini rum cakes which were handed out with these cards.  Last year he passed out store bought cards and his co-workers were asking where the handmade ones were.

I made over 60 Christmas cards this year, and I'll aim for 60 again this year.  Yes, I'm already working on Christmas cards for December.  Crazy?  Not when one is a "planner."  I'm someone who needs to plan everything out.  Springing surprises makes me become discombobulated.  Just ask DH.

As always, you can get 10% off your order by using my code TJ10Beth.  Thank you for your support.

Card Deets

  1.  Cut green cardstock at 4" x 5 1/4"
  2.  Using a dark green ink, ink up the edges over the green cardstock.  Soften the corners by inking colour more in a round shape as you can see in this photo.
  3.  Let dry completely to prevent embossing powder from sticking.  I air dried overnight, but you can use a heat gun.
  4.  Cover entire surface with an embossing buddy.
  5.  Using VersaMark, stamp over your Delicate Snowflake stamp.  Sprinkle with white embossing powder.  Heat set.
  6.  Stamp out Bah Humbug out and colour.
  7.  Die cut Bah Humbug image with a circular die.
  8.  Adhere image to background, using pop dots for added dimension.
  9.  Adhere green cardstock to a 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" white card.


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