Sunday, April 24, 2022

Distressed Boho She Believed


Good morning!  It's Holly posting today.  Here's a colorful card to gaze upon while you drink your coffee (or tea or water).  I stamped the wonderfully versatile Boho Dots Background from Technique Junkies onto some white cardstock.  Then I pulled out some Colorful Blending Brushes and some yellow, blue, and pink ink pads and applied color to the stamped background.  Look closely and you'll see where some of the ink color lifted - that's where I flung some water over the card with my fingers.  This Boho Dots Background is perfect for distressed techniques like this.

The sentiment, She Believed She Could, was stamped with black ink and matted with some black cardstock.  I really didn't want to cover up the colorful background so I kept this card very simple.

Please feel free to use this code, TJ10Holly, to save 10% when you shop at Technique Junkies.  You will find lots of wonderful stamps and stencils and inks and Shimmering Bliss in the store so have fun shopping!


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