Wednesday, May 11, 2022

You are the Dad

Happy Hump Day to everyone in blog land! Today I am featuring two new images...Father and Son Fishing and the sentiment is Everyone Wishes and they can be found here. These are just two of the fabulous new releases at Technique Junkies this month!
I stamped the image on watercolor paper and watercolored it. For the background and sun, I masked off of the sun and masked the image, too to create the sky. Curry, black and white card stock used. I split the sentiment up so that I could get it to fit on the card front. I'd tell you what the embossing folder was that I used...but I don't know it....I wish the name would be on the folders! I write the name on them now, but this particular one didn't have a name on's old.
Use my code TJ10Pam to get these fab images and anything else your hear desires!



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