Sunday, August 7, 2022

Glazed Vintage Trio

Good morning!  It's Holly posting and I have a fun trio of vintage cards to share with you today.  Technique Junkies just released some great new vintage stamps, and I used several of those to create this set of cards.  After I stamped the backgrounds and the sentiments, I covered all of them with embossing glaze for that vintage effect.  I used three different colors of glaze - Antique Linen, Walnut Stain, and Speckled Egg.  I love this combination of colors against the dark brown images.

On this first card, I used the new Distressed Paint stamp and a sentiment from the You're Vintage set.  I actually did the initial glazing and then went back over it and spread some more of the Antique Linen around the edges and then applied some extra Walnut Stain glaze on the edges of the sentiment.  This card has a richer coloring than the other two because of the extra glazing.

On this card, I used the Vintage French Advertisements and another sentiment from the You're Vintage set.  I only did one layer of the glazes on this card so it is softer compared to the first card.

On this last card, I used the Victorian Collage stamp with a sentiment from the new Queenagers set.  On this one, I only used the Speckled Egg glaze on the sentiment to make it stand out from the background.

It is fun to see how each card looks a little different even though I used the same products on each one.  If you'd like to go shopping at Technique Junkies, please feel free to use this code, TJ10Holly.  All of the stamps I used today are actually on sale at 15% off through August 8 and you don't need a code for that.  The TJ10Holly code will save you 10% off everything else that is in the store.  Have a great day!


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