Sunday, September 10, 2023

Put an Obi on your card - let me explain

Hello Crafty friends,

The mixed media card I'm sharing today shows what you can do with origami paper, fabric, mirror card stock, and scraps. It's my hope it will challenge you to dig around in your scrap bin and create something out of your comfort zone that is different and beautiful.  This design might look complicated, but if you follow along you'll see it isn't. It just takes a little time and patience.

It's interesting how this card came together. I was playing around with several different pieces of origami paper that I had cut into long triangle strips. I randomly chose different pieces and attached them to a piece of black card stock and adhered to a tan card base. The card then floated around my table a while because I knew it needed something else.  

Also on my table is a little container of pretty scraps of this and that. Shiny, sparkly and some pieces with special fabrics on them like colorful kimono fabric from Okinawa, Japan. I bought a bag of kimono fabric scraps while visiting there in 2015. Why you ask? Because I knew I'd do something with those little beauties some day.  And here we are...

My paper obi - let me explain

There's a piece I added below the sentiment that reminds me of an obi. Most of you have seen an obi, but perhaps didn't know it had a special name. It's functionally a tie wrapped around a woman's waist over a kimono. They can vary in size and shape. My version of a paper obi is right under the sentiment. The one created here has 4 layers. A base layer of red, then a slightly wider piece of silver mirror card stock, next a narrow piece of kimono fabric, and last is a sliver of gold and blue card stock (you could use string). It looks like a beautiful belt on my card. 

What I used:

- Tan card base 

- 3 different patterned pieces of origami paper.  (Use 3 pieces of patterned paper if you don't have origami)

- black card stock - 4 x 5.25 piece

- two scrap pieces of red card stock, 1 small piece mirror card stock, scrap piece of fabric and a sliver scrap or use string.

- Sending Caring Thoughts sentiment stamped in red ink on white card stock  (Difficult time - set of two)

-  3 silver gems

-  foam (optional - to use behind sentiment)

-  adhesive

Putting this all together...

Stack your origami papers and cut them with your paper trimmer - from a wide end to pointy end. See my card example.

Like a puzzle, alternate and adhere origami pieces on the black card stock. Tip: Let them go past the edge of the black piece on both sides. When you have your origami pieces like you want them, glue them down, then trim the excess hanging off the sides with your paper trimmer. Attach to your base.

Stamp your sentiment on white card stock and layer on a slightly larger piece of red. Don't attach to card yet. Set aside.

Make your obi - the pretty paper belt for your card. Here's the measurements I used:

Red 3.5 x 2 1/8     Silver/mirror 3 5/8 x 1.5    Fabric 4 x 3.4   Sliver or string 4 inches

Decide on the best placements for your sentiment (use foam behind sentiment if you have it - that's optional) and paper obi and adhere to card. We're done!

I hope this card inspires you to look at your scraps, fabric and origami paper with a fresh eye.

Happy crafting!

AJ ~ Art Cards with AJ 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the obi. more Japanese info NHK TV shows, [Japaneses news & culture].
