Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What Little Girls are Made of...


I love this new stamp "What Little Girls Are Made of".  My dad had two girls but he was determined that we were going to be able to take care of ourselves.  He used to wrestle with us, teach us to use power tools, and change the oil in our cars.  He said we could be anything but fragile.   At the time, I didn't really think anything of it, but now as a grown woman I appreciate all the things I can do.  Mostly, I'm thankful that I'm not afraid to try.  I'm glad the words we use to describe women are changing.   Look out world... a new generation of strong, talented, and confident women are on the way... 


STAMPS: use code TJ10Chris to save 10%:

paper from Stampin' Up

Versa clair: Amazon
Memento Ink: Amazon or Scrapbook
Copics  are listed below

Frame die is by Our Daily Bread

Copics used::
Skin: E34, E13, E11, RV34
Hair: E44
Yellow: Y15, Y13, Y11

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