Saturday, March 27, 2010

One of Ann's favorite techniques

Hi, readers.....Ann Clack here........When this technique first came out some my friends got together with me and we made a ton of these backgrounds.  We had a blast.  It was a good thing that I had my entire tabletop covered with newspaper.  That Spray webbing is really wild stuff but WAY fun to do!!  I made this card for my in-laws for Easter.  I thought the BG's colors matched the image so nicely!  The image is from Sweet N Sassy Stamps and is colored with copic markers.  The background of the image was lightly air brushed with the copics as well.  The technique is called Veined Marble from the August 07 newsletter.  This is also the sketch challenge this weeks for the Sweet N Sassy Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge.  Thanks for dropping by!!


  1. Beautiful card - I guess I'm going to have to find a can of that webbing spray.

  2. Very beautiful Ann! I love that spray webbing too! Hugs Lori

  3. This is so very beautiful. Your colouring is delightful. So perfect in every way.

  4. Ann - this is SOOOO pretty! Love it!

  5. That is beautiful, Ann! Perfect colors.

  6. I missed this post, Ann! It is really lovely! The image is beautiful...and beautifully colored, and it goes so well on that background!
