Thursday, April 1, 2010

Try That Technique Thursday

Hi, it's Beth here with this week's Try That Technique challenge. This week Diana Enns and I challenged each other to use Mosaic Magic from August 2006. Isn't this a great technique?!

Diana made a terrific card, so why don't you take a peak to see her wonderful example of Mosaic Magic.

This stamp works so well with this technique, don't you think? To create the sky I masked the lighthouse and sponged on the colour. Stamp is from Our Daily Bread Designs.

To have your chance of having your card on the Technique Junkie home page, create a card or project using the Mosaic Magic technique and link your card up to Mr. Linky by filling in your URL and name. If you need help with your URL, please e-mail me at

Last week's winner is Jane Bosi. Congratulations, Jane, your card is now on the home page for one week.



  1. I love this technique too, beautiful!

  2. This is a great card Beth. It just all goes together so well. TFS

  3. After I did mine and looked at the others in the tutorial I thought about doing another with darker colors and black emb powder - still may try it......
    I like the colors you did and the lighthouse. someday I'll expand my stamps :)
