Friday, April 16, 2010

Alcohol Smoosh from Judy Jackson

Have you ever felt that life was speeding by faster than you could keep up? That is how I have felt the past couple of weeks! Every time I thought I was caught up and could say, "Whew! I can relax a bit now." something else for me to do was just around the corner. I was "supposed" to post this on Monday and now it is Friday.
This technique is called Alcohol Smoosh from CD7. The stamps used for the background are from Artistic Outpost. The stamp on the tag is also Artistic Outpost -- and all of these stamps are from the set Birds of a Feather. I bought it this winter at a stamp convention in Florida -- it was unmounted and no identifying info on the back. I forgot which booth I bought it from. Sorry! I dusted the bird and the thistle with Perfect Pearls but the delightful shimmer doesn't show up. I also used a swirl stamp from Stampers Anonymous.
Enjoy the weekend!!
Judy Jackson


  1. Very pretty colours. I like how you stamped the bg and the foreground.

  2. Beautiful card, Judy. I love the colors.

  3. I love alcohol smoosh and haven't tried it for awhile. This card is a beauty, Judy!

  4. P.S. (lol) Outside my family room window right now are all kinds of goldfinches eating thistle seed from sock feeders....not from the thistle itself, as in this wonderful image. I do prefer the 'plant-less' thistle seed. ;-)
