Saturday, April 17, 2010

Vellum Floral and Greens

Happy Saturday from Kathie McGuire!! My project today features one of my favorite watercolor techniques, "Watercolor Resist". Although the technique is just a small element on this card, I believe it's the element that give my card just the right touch of color and flair!

So let's see if you can find the technique (where's Waldo?)! I'm sure it's easy to spot on the center leaf in the upper left corner of the card!

This project was fun because a friend and I challenged each other to create a card strictly from our scrap boxes. You know the box that holds all those little parts and pieces of images, technique backgrounds, and other card making items? Mine is overflowing!! The main "rule" was that the card had to be made up of ONLY things in the scrap box. The base cardstock was the only exception! Green is one of my least favorite colors so I thought this card was going to be a tough one for me. Ironically, it came together in an instant and when I came across the Watercolor Resist leaf, I knew I could pull it all together.

So now I challenge YOU to dig through all of your boxes and showcase some of those TJ techniques that are hiding there like buried treasure.

Thanks for looking at my card and I hope you've enjoyed the project!!

Kathie McGuire


  1. Beautiful, elegant card! Thanks for sharing the challenge with I will have to go see what's in my "leftover" bin. :0)

  2. Thud. Sorry, I just fell on the floor. Gorgeous!

  3. OMG, Kathie, what a spectacular card! That is just stunning.

    Cathy Y

  4. LOLOL, I just fell on the floor reading Beth's comment, too funny....yet, I had the exact same reaction. You completely rocked this, stash or not. WOW! Love those vellum flowers AND the techniqued leaf. Just stunning! xoxo

  5. Love, Love, Love those vellum flowers! So.....Kathy!

  6. First of all....I LOVE this Stampendous image! And you do such wonderful things with it.

  7. isn't it fun to use scraps for a challenge...your card is the flowers on the vellum and cordory buttons with the flowers.
    connie paxman

  8. very pretty. I love the flowers!

  9. How did you do the flowers? Is it stamped with versa and white embossing powder and heat embossed? If so, what stamp and die did you use for the flower? BTW, I love it, can't you tell with all the questions!! LOL

  10. Very impressive. Love the colors. The parchment craft. The buttons and the whole design. Stylish and elegant.

  11. I would also love to know what stamp the flowers are made is my favorite but I have no idea who makes it.
