Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spritzed Stone by Ann

Hi, Ladies.....Ann Clack here!  This card features the Spritzed Stone technique from the December 09 issue.  There are several ways you can do this technique......I chose the lighter spritzing method so that mine looked more mottled.  This was a super quick background and I made a number of them to have for later.  The image is from Dustin Pike and is colored with copics.  Hope you enjoy!!


  1. Yee haw!!! This is so cute. And of course, your coloring is just wonderful! I need to go check out the spritzed stone technique.

  2. Thanks,'s super easy!

  3. Oh, Ann, I just marvel at your coloring. I love Dustin's images, too. Great card.

  4. Ohhhhhhh, what a cute card. You really know how to use copics!

  5. oooh there is that bear and turtle what adorable stamps. The backgrouond is perfect match with your coloring..
    TFS Ann
