Monday, April 26, 2010

Using Three Techniques by Judy Jackson

Have you ever looked at a stamp and immediately thought of a technique from a past Technique Junkie newsletter? That happens to me more often these days, but never in the same way it happened on Thursday of this past week. I had some things to return to a craft store -- you know you buy something and only get home to discover you already own it? I am sure that never happens to anyone else, right? :)
While I was there I saw all these stamps that were reduced below 50% off the regular price and of course like any bargain hunter, I had to look. I saw this stamp from Inkadinkadoo and thought -- the Pyramid technique from June 2009 would be perfect for this stamp! Then I saw the saying and thought -- this will go with this stamp and other bird stamps I own. I ending buying several discounted stamps.
However, I wanted to "morph" the Pyramid technique with the Burnished Background from October 2009 because I wanted to emboss the stamped image in black. So the image was stamped with Black Versafine ink and then clear embossed. Then I burnished the ink colors to create the colored background for the Pyramid technique. I used Certainly Celery, Rich Razzleberry, Dusty Durango, and Crushed Curry inks to do the burnishing.
Then I had to decide on how to place the central on the card front -- and the Z-fold technique (from August 2007) popped into my mind. So this card came together as I was working. That often happens to me. I rarely have the "vision" of the finished card in my mind when i sit down to create. Sometimes I do , but not often. Then i needed soemthing to balance the empty space at the bottom and used this saying stamp -- also from Inkadinkadoo. To finish it off, I spritzed a little gold Smooch spray over the top. I think it is a fun card and pretty easy to create!
I hope you all have a fun and creative week!
Judy Jackson


  1. Really like all these layers Judy!
    cool card.

  2. Very 'Regal looking'. Love it.

  3. Okay, Judy...the creative part of your brain works much better than mine! I LOVE how you 'saw' this before you created it. Beautiful.

  4. Great card. I can identify with how you got it to come all together.

  5. the samller size of the pyramid too.

  6. Such a beautiful card. Doris' description of being regal is the perfect word. These colours are lovely together, and of course your work all makes this a beauty.

  7. Yikes Judy you aced all of these techie...looks absolutely stunning on my screen.
    connie paxman

  8. I am glad you described all of your layers- I really like the addition of the burnished background- wow- this is a bundle of Beautiful!
