Monday, May 10, 2010

Judy Jackson does Pointillism

Try this Technique
Do some techniques scare you and you think, "Boy, I am not sure I can do this one?" Well, that is how I felt when I started to create the background for this card. As I read the directions for the Pointillism technique from the December 2006 Technique newsletter they seemed simple enough. But as I was working I wasn't so sure, but I think i got it right!
Now the background is dry! What stamp shall I use? I decided to use this lovely giraffe from Prickly Pear. I embossed it with a brown embossing powder and then watercolored the image.
It ended up being a fun card to create. What don't you try it too?
Have a wonderful stamping day!
Judy Jackson

1 comment:

  1. WOnderful background for the image- or is it the other way around??? Anyway, great card! Love all of the great colors! TFS
