Saturday, May 8, 2010

To Mom from Ann

I got a card in the mail today from Cathy was just lovely.  AND since I hadn't made my card for my mother yet, I used her idea and made this card!  The stamps are from Hero Arts and Stamp Camp.  The technique is Masked Spellbinders from the April 2010 newsletter.  It is such an easy technique.  Give it a whirl today!  May be inspired as I was!

Now for the inside.  Found the stamp I wanted, inked it up, stamped it and drat!, I had a smudge at the end of the word 'day'.  So.......what to do......cover it up!!  I drew the rose bud, colored it in and now no one but you and me will know!


  1. What a beautiful card Ann and a brilliant solution to that problem!

  2. Hi! This is gorgeous! You should share it on flickr you know!
    I have a hidden member list - I don't know how people subscribe but they do.... hope you can find it!
    Do you have a flickr account?? Would love to see your photo stream.

  3. Love this card! I, also use flowers and other things to cover up all turns out O.K. in the end!

  4. Beautiful card and a great save!

  5. This is such a beautiful card for your mom - she'll be over the moon!

  6. Oh, Ann, you are so sweet. What a wonderful compliment. I do have to say, your card is much lovlier and more colorful than mine! And your hand-drawn rose is perfect.

  7. So beautiful, Ann! I love the whole look...and then your 'correction' is just fabulous.
