Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ann here with more distress!

A couple of weeks ago I shared a card made for an upcoming class I'm teaching on Distress pads, refills, and stains.  Here is the second card that they will be making in their class. 

It uses Distress Ink Watercoloring as well as Distress Spritzing.  I LOVE that Distress spritzing technique.  So easy with a great look!

Hero Arts stamp was color with the refills and glittered for some extra punch.  The MS butterfly just has three dabs of gold glitter down the middle.  The ribbon is quite gold and got really faded out on the picture.  I was at the store dropping off the samples when I realized that I hadn't taken pictures of the cards.  Phone cameras aren't that good! 


  1. Beautiful!
    are thees techniques in the TJ Newsletter?
    Sandra ltb

  2. What a beautiful background. I'm sure it will delight your classes.

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