Monday, February 25, 2013

Foiled and Glittered Snow Flakes by Judy Jackson

Snow is so pretty when it is fresh and clean.  It is not fun to drive on however, nor is it fun to remove from driveways or roads.  So I would prefer to enjoy snow only in pictures now.

To create this card, I used an embossing folder with snow flakes, a retired brass stencil, and The Let is Snow rubber stamp was purchased recently but I can't remember which company made it.  I am sitting in Florida as I write this post and my stamp isn't with me. :( 

And this technique on the Shimmer Glimmer Sparkle and Shine CD is perfect for snow cards!

If you still have snow on the ground, I hope it is pretty for you. Per has it will give you a "snowy craft day!"

Judy Jackson

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