Thursday, May 19, 2016

Paris Anniversary

{jane bosi}  Happy Thursday, Junkies!! I have anniversaries on my mind!!  I've recently celebrated my one year anniversary at the best organization ever, 19 years of marriage and am looking forward to helping my parents celebrate 50 years of marriage next month! 

My card today started with the beautiful Paletinni backgroud, Le Tour Eiffel, and a piece of water color paper.  Using the Non Stick Color technique (TJNL June 2011) I added various colors to the background before overstamping with the Love Hands image.  Later, I added the sentiment found in the Simple Sentiments 1a set.

Thanks for stopping by!!  Go on and get inky, now!
TTFN, Jane

1 comment:

  1. Love your card and the technique! Yes, many anniversaries this month and next, xoxo.
