Monday, May 23, 2016

You Are Strong!

Greetings Inky Friends!

I was SO excited to see THIS SET come out in the May Release !  

It's a smaller grouping of 3 large images from
the Let's Face It Series of Palettini stamps.

For the background, I used a technique called
Criss-Crossed Washi from the Washi Tape & Ribbon CD. 
If you're like me and bought (hoarded?!?) lots of Washi tape,
this CD is a MUST HAVE for fun, new ideas!!

The CHEVRON punched pieces uses the awesome PUNCH SYSTEM from Fun Stamper's Journey!

Here are a few more samples using techniques from that CD and lots of TJ Stamps!

 Both star cards uses SIMPLE SENTIMENTS

 The card and tea light box sentiments come from the PROVERBS set
and the background on the tealight box is Breath of Nature.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post on the "wonders of washi" and consider adding the CD to your next order!  June is right around the corner which means another New Release Blog Hop!! 
So until then...

Happy Creating!!

oxox ~ Tonya :)

1 comment:

  1. What a nice group of cards. I really like the first one with the face. So bright and colourful.
