Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Hey there Junkies,

I've been inking up my fingers (literally) lately with my Brusho pigment ink powders....they are such fun to play with and create awesome backgrounds.  If you have them, you know what I'm talking about.  

This card was so much fun to make....

I used Strathmore Watercolor paper (cold press, 140#) for the first time.  I bought a 9x12 pad from ACMoore recently when they had a sale and this pad was only $5.00. I thought I couldn't lose at that price.  I've never used it before and was really pleased with the performance and the amount of water it could take without warping.  I'm not an expert in watercoloring, but for the price, this was great paper to use with the Brushos.  

I first gave the watercolor panel a good wash with clean water before sprinkling on the pigment powders, it allowed the crystals to "move".  If more water was needed, I spritzed it with water.  I added each color separately, and they blended very well.  

The stamp I'm using for this is #SD716 "Something Will Grow".  I love the sentiment that is attached to this floral image, and the bg certainly shows off that stamp well, I think.  I splattered some watered down black acrylic paint once the panel was dry and that finished off the design.  So easy, but I love it.  

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you can get your own hands inky soon!  


  1. I like this card. I have Brushos, just haven't used them - now you've inspired me to dig them out of the drawer. Do they work best on really good watercolor paper?

  2. Diana Enns, I've had great success with several types of watercolor paper using Brushos, however, I was pleased that this paper withstood more water than other's I've tried. Get those Bushos' out and start playing....you'll be smiling and very impressed by what you can create. Share on our FB page when you do.
