Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Oh, February.......

Where Have You Gone....?

Yikes! This month is just flying by (haha, pun intended). And my post date sure snuck up on me! But, no worries! I have a couple projects to share with you anyhow!

First up is a fun and snarky card, featuring:  Bricks, Light (P003), Kitty Watching (SD635), and Sarcasm (SDX092).  Other supplies used: Cardstock, Distress Ink, Spectrum Noir Colored Pencils.

I stamped the background stamp with Mahogany Distress Ink and added some color with the colored pencils. I then stamped the kitty (this is one of my favorite stamps!) with Pumice Stone Distress Ink and added some color to that image as well. The sentiment was stamped on a separate piece of paper, die cut and adhered to the front of the card.

Next up is my March CD Calendar Insert, featuring two of this month's new releases: Travel Love (S727) and Fly Me Away (S716). This may have something to do with the fact that I am desperately wanting a mid-winter vacation! lol.  Other supplies used: Cardstock, Distress Ink, Vellum Quote.

I stamped the Travel Love background using Pumice Stone Distress Ink. Then using black ink, I stamped the Fly Me Away background directly over the top. I thought it would be cool to combine two background stamps into one image, something you don't often see. I then added a pre-made vellum quote and inserted it into my CD Calendar Case.

Well, that's it for me. Hope I tickled your creative mind! 

Til next time,
Keepin' it inky!


  1. Two cute cards Ro. I like the thinking behind your travel project. Yes indeed it would be nice to get away.

  2. Who knows where February went? Wasn't it just New Year's? Love that cat and the sentiment together and the calender is fabulous. Very creative, Ro.
