At the end of the treasure hunt, put the collection together to see what it says and follow Pat’s directions on her blog to have an opportunity to win a FABULOUS treasure! The grand prize is for one lucky winner to become a Technique Junkie for life! The winner will receive any back issues or CDs that they do not already have -- PLUS they will receive all future CDS and issues as they are published for FREE! Pat will draw a name on Monday, August 3!

The treasure you will find here to get you started is " J ".
This beautiful card was made by Vada Schultz. The Stamp credits are: Third Coast Rubber Stamps, and Serendipity Stamps and the technique Vada used to create this beauty is the Faux Sanding technique in the August Technique Junkies Newsletter.
For your next clue, go to Kathie McGuire blog and then she'll direct you to the next blog, and they'll direct you to the next blog, and so on. If for some reason a link is broken, don't panic. Just return here to the list and complete your journey.
Here are the list of participants in todays Treasure Hunt:
Kathie McGuire -
Lisa Somerville -
Kimm Bennington-Thompson -
Chris Dickinson -
Beth Norman -
Jane Bosi -
Manna McCaffrey -
Shelly Hickox -
Pat Huntoon -
Have fun on your Treasure Hunt!