Welcome to The Try that Technique Challenge!
Today's Challenge Technique: Geometric Overstamping from the April 2005 issue of the Technique Junkie Newsletter.
My Geometric Overstamping card uses stamps from Firecracker Designs by Pamela. I layered these stamps -- and popped them a bit, too -- on a Simple Whitewash Background (August 2009 Technique Junkie Technique).
Don't have the April 2005 issue? No worries! Starting today (through Wednesday, March 31st) the 2005 issues are on sale for HALF PRICE!* Instead of $18.00, you will be able to purchase the entire 2005 year (6 issues) for only $9.00 (plus actual postage). That way, EVERYONE can play! Email me for an invoice: phuntoon@optonline.net -- I will get those issues right out and send you the password to the subscriber-only online tutorial pages for 2005 immediately so you can play right away! You do NOT need to be a current subscriber to take advantage of this deal. Let's see what YOU make!
The Try that Technique challenge was started by TJ Designer Beth Norman and loyal TJ subscriber Diana Enns. They have selected some "way back" techniques for you to try out. If you do try a technique -- post it to the egroup or put a link to your card on this post -- your card may end up on the Technique Junkie egroup home page!