Friday, August 14, 2020

TJ Inkspirations: Using Transfer Gel with Stamps and Foil


Back in the Good Old Days (pre-COVID) we had a make-and-take in our booth using Transfer Gel Duo, Stencils and Foil. While very popular, we were constantly asked whether the Gel could be used with stamps. 

There were two reasons why I discouraged people from using the gel on their stamps. First, I was afraid that the gel would ruin people's stamps. Secondly, finding a way to apply the gel was a challenge -- it is important to apply the gel fully, without any (or much) excess pooling around the edges of the images.

I finally figured out how to resolve these two issues.  First, the gel DOES come off the stamps, provided that the stamp is IMMEDIATELY cleaned. Second, I found that using a un-inked stamp pad as the applicator was the ticket to controlling how much gel was placed on the stamp.

So today I have a quick video for you showing how to use Foil and Transfer Gel with your stamps to create pretty backgrounds. I made up a quick kit for you, too, so that you can try this for yourself!  Here is the kit, the artwork, and the video: 

The video is here:
Using Foil with Stamps and Transfer Gel
Using Foil with Stamps and Transfer Gel

And here is the kit:
Foiling with Stamps

I hope you are a little inkspired by today's issue. See you next week!

Pat Huntoon
Technique Junkies LLC