Hello from Judy Jackson. There I was just whiling away the time in front of my computer watching different videos on techniquies from the summer CHA. A pretty good way to wait for the storm to be over, right? Fortunately, we never lost power due to Hurricane Irene- although the lights have been flickering a bit tonight. There was this video tutorial on making jewelry with your Hot Pot. I watched it several times and every time the little wheels in my brain kept turning. Hmmm --- I have a Hot Pot sitting in the drawer and it is very, very lonely! I put it on my "wish list" for Christmas one year and got it! However, I have never used it. But I have used it this weekend!
I didn't even own any of the jewelry findings the demo artist was using and I thought what can I use that I already own in my stash? Surely there is something! And there was.
But I didn't want just plain metal pieces -- I wanted them to be the colors I wanted them to be! So I brought out my bottles of Smooch Paint and painted the metal flowers. After I wrapped the slide frame with the metal tape, I painted the Smooch Paint on that too and then added some alcohol inks as well. It was fun.
Now I have to decide how I will hand this new pendant I have. And I got so excited about this whole process I have ordered some different jewelry findings and I will make some Christmas presents!
So I took this older technique of Smooched Metal from the October/November 2010 Technique Junkie newsletter and brought it to a whole new level -- and it was fun! And it is useful as well.
Judy Jackson