Welcome to the Technique Junkie Stampbooking Blog Hop! This is Judy Jackson welcoming you to the first stop. Please make sure you follow the entire Blog Hop to be able to win a wonderful prize at the end! Jane Bosi has a great prize to tell you about!
The Stampbooking CD is full -- 75 different techniques full! -- of different ways to use your stamps (and other products of course) in different ways in your scrapbook. In addition, these techniques can also be used on cards! How great is that!
This scrapbook page uses the Altered Grungy Titles Technique. I used stamps from Stampers Anonymous, Hampton Arts, and Stampin' Up!
I am working on several scrapbooks at the same time -- have you ever done that? This page is for the scrapbook that will highlight different aspects of my life -- I am a sister, a mother, a cousin, a grandmother, a wife, a teacher, an aunt, a friend, a stamper, a scrapbooker, and so on. It is meant to be a brief glimpse of who I am. I want to be sure that my grandchildren - especially - know who I am and what makes me tick! It will not be meant to be a total history of my life. I already have a scrapbook that is sort of biographical of my childhood and has pictures of my ancestors. The little girl in this picture is me at about age 3 1/2. The photo is matted several times - the last mat layer is a sheet of vellum.
The TJ Designers, along with several Spotlight Stampers, have worked hard to bring you this inspirational Hop. Please leave them all a little love when you visit! The Hop Designers are:
Chris Dickinson www.chrissyd723.blogspot.com
Ann Clack www.createdbyann.blogspot.com
Shelly Hickox www.shellyhickox.blogspot.com
Beth Norman http://sunflowers-dragonflies.ca/blog
Tricia O’Bin www.thepassionatestamper.blogspot.com
Hetty Sanders http://craftchaos.blogspot.com
Donna Duquette www.deesstudio.blogspot.com
Regan Seifert www.emoradesigns.blogspot.com
Holly Brown www.glitterstampsandink.blogspot.com
Pat Huntoon www.patstamps.blogspot.com
Jane Bosi www.janesaddiction.typepad.com
We all hope you really enjoy this Blog Hop! And if you haven't ordered the Stampbooking CD - my question is why not? It is just terrific! You can find all the pertinent info on the side bar of Pat Huntoon's blog.
Judy Jackson