Monday, July 22, 2024

There's More Than One Kind of Adventure

Hello, Jeanette here. I'm back again with another blog post featuring Technique Junkies stamps from the July 15th release. Haven't the cards from this release been fun?!?!?! Seriously. There are so many great stamps in the release.

AND - there's still another day to get the new release discount so hurry on over to the Technique Junkies store and do some shopping. But first, check out these two cards I made.

Technique Junkies Adventure and their previously released Horse Linograph stamp:

Technique Junkies Definition of Family and their previously released Old Man stamp:

If you like saving money - and who doesn't - please use the code TJ10JEANETTE when checking out at Technique Junkies to receive a 10% discount.

If you'd like to see other cards I've made using Technique Junkies stamps/products, you'll find them on my blog - HERE.

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